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Current Projects


Building Bridges - Identification of challenges and investigation of solutions for inclusive science communication in public health (TWF, 2024-2026, project leader)

 Science communication plays a crucial role in promoting public understanding and engagement with science issues. However, traditional methods of science communication often predominantly reach people who already have some interest in science. A considerable part of the population is considered difficult for science communication to reach. The reasons for this are manifold: factors include, for example, geographical, linguistic, cultural, or socio-economic barriers. Education, political views and influences from family and friends also play a role. In addition, limited access to science education or negative experiences with science in the past can also be among the reasons. This situation poses a major challenge for democratic societies that rely on informed participation of the population. The aim of this research project is to investigate the challenges of inclusive science communication and to develop strategies to better engage hard-to-reach groups in society.

InformEndo: Co-creation in endometriosis education: meeting information needs in a participatory way
(Open Innovation in Science Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society, 2023, project leader)

Endometriosis affects approximately 10% (190 million) of women and girls of childbearing age worldwide. It is a chronic disease associated with severe pain during periods, intercourse, bowel movements and/or urination, chronic pelvic pain, bloating, nausea, fatigue and sometimes depression, anxiety and infertility.The InformEndo project aims to give women with endometriosis the opportunity to express their information needs through co-creative workshops. In addition, participants evaluate existing information materials and provide feedback from the perspective of those affected.


To read more about the results, click on the poster below:

empowerment4pandemias - Learning from COVID-19 (Erasmus+, 2022-2025, project coordinator)

The project focuses on the development of a professional education and training programme for professional groups and decision-makers working in public health. The aim is to strengthen individual and organisational resilience in times of crisis. The experience and knowledge gained from COVID-19 will be incorporated into the training programme. It is being implemented together with the University of Gloucestershire, the Technical University of Deggendorf, the European Academy of Bolzano, Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung Schober GmbH and the Portuguese partner Immersive Lab Lda.

More information:

WuV - Wissenschaft und Verantwortlichkeit (= Science & Responsibility)

Science and Responsibility is an open forum for the discussion of scientific, ethical and social issues. 

In general we operate as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange between universities and the public. Our main tasks are organizing talks, discussion panels, screenings and book presentations. The programme is open to everyone – the access is free. More information here.

Healthy Minds (Advisory Board Member)

Mental illness is the most common complication associated with pregnancy and childbirth. They affect around one in five mothers and more than one in ten fathers during the perinatal period (including 1 year after birth). 

The Healthy Minds project is investigating the situation of expectant parents in Tyrol and aims to develop an early intervention and prevention approach.

Past Projects

In the jungle of “infodemics” – Science communication during the COVID-19 pandemic

(TWF, 2022-2024, project leader)

The novelty of a global health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic brought many uncertainties, misinformation, and room for speculation. Filtering the large amount of information became more and more of a challenge in this "infodemic." The task of science communication is to prepare scientific findings in a comprehensible way for the population and political decision-makers and to enter into a trusting dialogue, which also clarifies scientific processes and uncertainties. The project aims to shed light on the conditions for science communication in the field of public health, especially with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to promote mutual exchange between scientists and political decision-makers.

PsyCris - Psycho-social Support in Crisis Management (EU-FP7)

The main objectives of the project are to examine current crisis support options in each EU country, improve support strategies, contingency planning, develop interventions, provide self-help strategies, and examine long-term impacts of crises.

My main work (and also part of my dissertation) within the project was the comparison of five different disaster events (flood, airplane crash, avalanche, tunnel fire & terror attack) in Europe, examining their long-term impact. 

Evaluation of primary care at the Central Care Hospital Innsbruck (TGF)

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the introduction of a general medicine unit including triaging has an influence on the motives for visiting the emergency department. Moreover, staff members have been interviewed about changes in their working conditions due to the triage system.    

Ethical and legal challenges for the gereatric care - An explorative study in Tyrol (TWF)

Based on nursing ethics and nursing law principles of inpatient care for the elderly, the interfaces between ethics and law in everyday nursing care in Tyrolean nursing homes was examined.

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©2024 Nina Lorenzoni

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